Carriage Driving : Essentials

Learn how to drive a carriage safely

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  • Always wanted to try driving a carriage, but no idea if it is for you?
  • Want to learn, but no carriage driving instructor nearby?
  • Learned a LOOONG time ago but forget the ever so important details?
  • Want to offer healthy variety in work for your beloved horse?
  • Feel a bit insecure on the carriage, and want to build some extra confidence?
  • Finally want to learn the Achenbach reign handling method the right way?
  • Tired of hauling your carriage and horse to an offsite instructor?

Come and join us!
Take our Course and make changes for you and your horse!

Anybody who has the ambition to go out and drive with a single horse drawn carriage should know upfront that he is taking a risk. A horse is basically a flight animal, and you and your family are in the carriage drawn by it. So it only makes sense to limit the risk as much as possible by gaining knowledge about the basic techniques, rules, tips and tricks to make carriage driving as much a safe and pleasant activity as it can be.

This course helps you prepare. The techniques taught include the world renowned "Benno von Achenbach" reign handling system, how to put on the harness and how to hitch up your horse safely by an experienced instructor. You will be shown how to do things by many videos, pictures and study materials so you can prepare from within the comfort of your home.
Be sure you understood the materials by answering our thought provoking questions.

This course is a "must do" for any starting carriage driver, even if you plan to go and do a "live course" later. It will help you understand things much quicker in your live course, and you'll enjoy it much more.

What can you expect?

Chapter 1: An introduction to this course;
Chapter 2: How horses speak to you;
Chapter 3: Carriages now and then;
Chapter 4: The Harness;
Chapter 5: Tacking up;
Chapter 6: Hitching up;
Chapter 7: The Achenbach reign handling system;
Chapter 8: Using the whip;
Chapter 9: Tips that might come in handy.

Be smart, be quick!
Now we offer a special price of $149 only $59!
But don't wait, since this offer is not going to last forever.....
No excuse anymore, for only $59 everybody can learn the Essentials of carriage driving!


Your Instructor

Marcel Onck
Marcel Onck

Marcel Onck started his career as a competition carriage driver and instructor as a student of a World Champion where he quickly learned the ropes of the trade.

As a competitor, he won many events with his top of the line carriage horse "Topgun", who remained unbeaten in field obstacle driving events.

In the year 2000, Marcel became a Dutch National Champion single horse carriage driving and started his career as a carriage driving instructor in the Netherlands.

Since then, hundreds of students have been following his courses and learned how to drive safely with a horse drawn carriage.

Marcel is the author of the standard book "Instructieboek Mennen" used in basic carriage driving courses as course material. Also, Marcel is involved in the design and build of innovative new competition carriages.

Professional Coachman Successful Sportsman Seasoned Instructor

Course Curriculum

  Chapter 3: Carriages then and now
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Chapter 8: Using the Whip
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Thank you!
Available in days
days after you enroll

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